Do you have someone in your life who is constantly on their cell phone? I do. And I could understand this obsession if it brought them joy. But their continued swiping and typing away makes them sad and angry. Especially since early November. The picture below was taken last week when my human became increasingly upset while looking at her cell phone. I actually growled to distract her from the little glowing screen. This incident made me think of the Yoga Yama Asteya or Non-Stealing. This Yama refers not only to refraining from stealing items that are not yours, but also time, ideas and attention as well. Clearly this cell phone device is stealing away my human’s attention – from me. Once I got her attention she quickly picked me up and gave me the cuddling I sorely needed (see below). Now you probably aren’t stealing things from other people because that is an obvious no-no. But are you stealing attention from your brothers or sisters by interrupting them? Or do you take someone else’s ideas at home or in the classroom?
How do you feel when you steal attention or ideas from others? How do you think others feel when you steal these things from them? Would it be better (and less trouble) if you were respectful of their feelings and refrained from stealing attention and ideas from them? And, just a hint, when others steal from you - maybe a little growling might be in order. It certainly helped get my human’s attention. Hope this discussion of the Yama Asteya (Non-Stealing) was informative and will help you refrain from interrupting or taking ideas from others. Next blog post - on Brahmacharya or Self Control - will help with keeping all those New Year's Resolutions. Until then, have a wonderful holiday season. Namaste. - Yogi
AuthorYogi Bear is the friendly and wise mascot of Mini Change Yoga. Archives
July 2018
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